Brand : Middleby Celfrost , Product : Upright Showcase Cooler / Chiller
Variant :
• FKG 600DD - Celfrost Two Door Upright Showcase Cooler (630 Litre)
Presenting world’s finest range Upright Coolers & Chillers to suit every need, in one and two Door variants. High Quality Product, Made for heavey duty Commercial usage, Sleective models with Frostfree Technology and Auto Defrosting systems. Green Range - CFC free refrigerants and Cyclopentane Insulation. Tropicalized Design – Now with bigger compressor and improved body condenser size. Ultra low energy consumption, Faster cooling and long holding.
Celfrost FKG 600DD Two Door Upright Showcase Cooler
FKG 600DD - Celfrost Two Door Upright Showcase Cooler (630 Litre)
Capacity: 630 Lt
Width: 36 inch
Depth: 27 inch
Height: 78 inch
Wheels: Yes
Lock: Yes
Energy Consumption: 350 Watts
Refrigerant: R134a
Temperature Range: 2 to 10 degrees
No. of Shelves: 8
Number of Doors: 2
Warranty : 1 Year